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 Story and context. . .

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Kimberley Leaves

Kimberley Leaves

Story and context. . . Empty
MessageSujet: Story and context. . .   Story and context. . . Icon_minitimeDim 23 Oct - 1:04

How lonely do you feel when you realize that you are special? When you realize how you are different from the others? When you realize that you possess a power and that it is dangerous for your family and anyone in your surroundings? One day, you could hurt them by accident. Or maybe you could act out your solitude through your actions and hurt them on purpose. It could even lead you to kill, accidentally or not. You cannot talk to anyone about it and then you become paranoid that someone might find out your terrible secret. That is when you will be sent to a laboratory to see what is wrong with you. But did you think that if you let yourself commit a crime, wouldn’t they send you somewhere worse than a lab…?
Somewhere in Alaska, such a place exists. It is a reformatory house for gifted young ones who have made unforgivable mistakes and done wrongs to society. It doesn’t matter if the accident was voluntary or not. They are brought there to prevent their powers to cause any more harm or to keep their secret abilities a secret from the outside world. In 1996, the reformatory was held by authorities chosen by the government. Unfortunately, the first boarders rebelled against them and took control of the prison, killing every single one of those humans. That generation is now the ones to run the reformatory. Their goal; frighten and destabilize the young delinquents to bring them on the right path. They find the teenagers with one of their own gifted people who sense them once they have committed a crime. The teens are retrieved from their homes or prisons and are brought into this reformatory.
The rules of this house are very strict and might infringe the fundamental rights of the ones who live there. Everything is being watched, every hour of the day and every day of the week. Anything out of place is severely punished by any means necessary: corporal punishment, electric shocks, public humiliation or they are isolated. The curfew is at 10 PM sharp, meals are at 8 AM, 12 AM and 7 PM. During the day the activities are shared between appointments with the psychologist, chores in the kitchen or around the house and also sessions about learning to control ones abilities. The rest of the time, the prisoners can roam around as they please as long as they respect the guidelines.

Director; Julian Björn Keller (Julian B. Keller) :
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